The Many Faces of Naomi San Jo Wee

How adorable can she be? My little niece........ Pam's toddler
I used to play hide and seek with Pam infact we play a lot of other stuff together.
And now she's married with 2 kids. Do I underachieve in this aspect?
nak kahwin dah ke???!!!....heheheehee....oh yeah cool position u got there in kpmg....cya..
Yup i think you surely are underachieving in this area...Rai what say u and her start achieving something soon....hehehehhehe
Glad to see some life back on this page....
I have no idea what happened to Lin's blog??
Anyhow's keep in touch, drink loads of water, and don't kill you're self working....till we meet later...
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