Thursday, November 18, 2004

Absorbing the ambience of cool Britannia

To some people out there, don't accused me of being malas suka2 hati. I just don't have the time and heart to write and on top of everything I'm kind of away for a while in UK, enjoying every bit of civilisation.
Two days ago, I had the opportunity to join in the House of Commons evening sitting. Nevermind all the US style of security check, I thought it was a refreshing experience, looking at democracy at work. There was huge debate going on Retrospective Pension Plan and banning of fox hunting in England and Wales. . . . . . and guess what? The were a lot of cheap shots exchanged by these British MPs. Sebijik like our debate practise back in UiTM. Hilarious! looking at how the debate went in what we assumed in Instituition that houses many good debates for centuries, I want to believe that our UiTM debaters posessed the potential to be at par if not better than those MPs!
Lets hope that UiTM do much better in Cambridge debate. In Oxford, we were caught off guard with British Isles issues like prosecuting police for shooting wrongly. It's true when Tubs told us to read their newspapers 2 weeks in advance. I literally surf BBC website everyday, but who can guess the paramount issue would be some shooting in England? Right now in UK, I have been reading the 'cheap' Independent Newspaper every single day. I'm all prepared for Fox hunting or even smoking ban in London. Can't wait for Cambridge!!!
P/s: I hate cold sandwiches for lunch. Everything is cold. Banana is cold, their choc chip cookies, even their milk cold! I'm going to MSD for Hot Malaysian lunch. Care to join?


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